8.6. Jasmi l. Fandal's Jambalaya oli Orivedellä ROP ja ROP-veteraani ja RYP2. Tuomarina Maret Kärdi. Ihan mahtavaa, onnittelut Niina ja Jasmiini!! Kuva kahden viikon takaa Raumalta.
Another lovely weekend behind! 9.6. at Salo group Show, our Latte, Fandal's Whole Latte Love from Kurakuma was best bitch 3rd. Judge was Marie Bailey from Ireland. That was Latte's first official show. She was happy and... happy... well, Latte is always happy =D
8.6. under judge Maret Kärdi from Estonia, Fandal's Jambalaya was BOB + BOB-veteran + Group2 in Orivesi Nat Show. Picture is from Rauma Show. Well done Niina and Jasmi!!!
Jambalaya |